Opciones de financiación
En Mely 's Jewelry entendemos que comprar joyas finas puede ser una inversión importante, por eso ofrecemos una variedad de opciones de financiamiento para que a nuestros clientes les resulte más fácil tener las joyas de sus sueños. Nos enorgullecemos de ofrecer opciones de financiamiento flexibles que se adapten a las necesidades y preferencias individuales. Vale la pena señalar que todas nuestras opciones de financiamiento están disponibles en línea a través de nuestro sitio web, por lo que puede elegir fácilmente la opción que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades y solicitar financiamiento desde la comodidad de su hogar.

Affirm es una mejor manera de comprar.
Uno diseñado específicamente para ayudarte a decir sí a las cosas que quieres y al mismo tiempo mantenerte alejado de deudas no saludables.
Su calificación crediticia no se verá afectada cuando verifique su elegibilidad, aunque realicemos una verificación de crédito. Si decide comprar con Affirm, su préstamo y sus pagos pueden afectar su calificación crediticia.
Las opciones de pago a través de Affirm están sujetas a una verificación de elegibilidad y son proporcionadas por estos socios prestamistas: assert.com/lenders
Frequently asked questions about buying with Affirm:
How can I finance my purchase with Affirm?
Mely's Jewelry offers easy and affordable payments online with Affirm, a loan service provider, at a pace you choose from the available options. You can purchase immediately and pay over time. During checkout at melisjewelry.com, you can choose Affirm as a payment method and apply for a loan to pay for your items. For in-store purchases, apply at affirm.com or download the Affirm app on your phone, pick your desired payment plan and present your digital card at the register. Affirm always shows you the exact terms (subject to your eligibility) and the total amount of interest you will pay, never charging you anything extra. Affirm does not charge any late fees, prepayment fees, annual fees, hidden fees, or service fees to open or close your Affirm account
When does my virtual card expire?
Your virtual card expires 24 hours after you confirm your loan and get your card. If your card expires before you use it, it’s like the loan never happened. You won’t owe anything for it.
Does Affirm affect my credit score?
Your credit score will not be affected by creating an Affirm account or seeing if you prequalify. If you decide to buy with Affirm, this may affect your credit score.
What are my payments options?
Your payment options depend on the amount of your purchase and on your eligibility. For smaller purchases, you’ll be able to make 4 interest-free payments every two weeks. For larger purchases, you may have the option to make up to 36 monthly payments—and these options may have interest. In some cases, you may need to make a payment at the time of purchase.
Does Affirm charge interest and fees?
Affirm doesn’t charge late fees, service fees, prepayment fees, or any hidden fees. When you pay with Affirm, your annual percentage rate (APR) will be between 0 – 36%. Affirm will show you up front the total amount of interest you’ll pay and will never charge you a penny more.
Does Mely's Jewelry charge a fee to use the Affirm payment option?
Mely's Jewelry will not charge a fee to use the Affirm payment plan. All terms and conditions of your Affirm payment plan, including any interest charges, are determined directly between the customer and Affirm. If you have specific questions about Affirm, please contact Affirm.com/help.
Why do I need a mobile phone number to apply and use Affirm?
Yes, you will need a mobile phone number from the U.S. or U.S. territories. This helps Affirm verify it is really you who is creating your account and signing in.
Can I return a financed item?
Yes. Follow the Mely's Jewelry return process, melisjewelry.com purchases can only be returned through melisjewelry.com. If your payment option through Affirm included interest, any interest paid is non-refundable. Affirm orders are not eligible for exchange.
Where do I make my payments?
After you have made a Mely's Jewelry purchase with Affirm, you can make or schedule payments at affirm.com or in the Affirm app for iOS or Android.

Utilice el crédito digital de PayPal
Línea de crédito reutilizable para comprar en línea en cualquier lugar donde se acepte PayPal y obtenga financiamiento especial por 6 meses en compras de $99 o más cada vez que compre. Obtenga una decisión de crédito en segundos con una solicitud rápida. Sin intereses si paga en su totalidad en 6 meses en compras de $99 o más. Se cobrarán intereses a su cuenta a partir de la fecha de compra si el saldo no se paga en su totalidad dentro de los 6 meses. Se requieren pagos mensuales mínimos. Sujeto a aprobación de crédito. El crédito le brinda la flexibilidad de comprar lo que necesita cuando lo necesita.